OS/2 Upload Information for ftp-os2.nmsu.edu and ftp.cdrom.com Archive Name: OS2WWW41.ZIP Program Description: Integrated Web, FTP, SMTP and POP3 Server with SSL 3 - Multi-Threaded 32-bit Operating System Versions: OS/2 Warp Connect Program Source: N/A Replaces: OS2WWW32.ZIP Proposed Directory: /os2/network/tcpip Documentation: Online Documentation (HTML) Submitter's Name: CompuSource Submitter's eMail: source@iaccess.za __________________________________________________________________________ CompuSource PowerWeb Server++ for IBM OS/2 Warp Connect CONTENTS: INSTALLATION UPDATES / UPGRADING TCP/IP PROBLEMS FILE AND DIRECTORY STRUCTURE BACKUP NOTES COPYRIGHT AND CONTACT DETAILS __________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION: 1. Copy the OS2WWWxx.ZIP file into a directory named "\PowerWeb" and change your current directory to "\PowerWeb". 2. Unzip using either pkunzip or unzip as follows: unzip os2www.zip pkunzip -d os2www.zip Note: It is important to use the command line switches shown above to create the sub-directories below "\PowerWeb". 3. Run install, according to your IP ADDRESS: (note: if you are running the 4OS2 command shell, please exit it first) a. If you are using a dynamic IP address, then ensure that your HOSTS file in your \mptn\etc or \tcpip\etc directory contains the following line: localhost and then run INSTALL -local and follow its instructions carefully, and fill in all forms completely. b. If you are using a permanent IP address, then run INSTALL and follow its instructions carefully, and fill in all forms completely. 4. Do not delete the OS2WWWxx.ZIP file after a successful installation, it has been moved to a system directory, in case you need to re-install. 5. If you experience problems, such as reported TCP/IP configuration problems, please load the file tcpipos2.htm into your browser and follow its suggestions. __________________________________________________________________________ UPDATES / UPGRADING: *** PowerWeb Server license numbers for releases prior to version 4 *** are not compatible with version 4 and beyond. *** *** If you have an existing registered license prior to version 4, *** you must enrol for a test drive, and re-register your software *** by choosing the "Upgrade" license type on the registration *** payment page. *** *** The registration page can be found at /powerweb/register.htm *** on your own site, or you can fill it in on our site, preferably *** using SSL to the URL *** *** https://www.compusource.co.za/powerweb/register.htm 1. Copy the OS2WWWxx.ZIP file into your server root directory, such as "\PowerWeb". 2. Unzip using either pkunzip or unzip as follows: unzip os2www.zip pkunzip -d os2www.zip Note: It is important to use the command line switches shown above to create the sub-directories below "\PowerWeb". If you are upgrading, it is OK to overwrite files (the only ones modified are those which are not in use during a running session). 3. Shut down the existing PowerWeb server. 4. Restart the PowerWeb server, by running the "PowerWeb.cmd" batch file in your server root directory. 5. If you subsequently need to revert to an old version, there is a menu option on the main "/admin" HTML page to choose which version to run. Alternatively, you can modify the "version" file located in the server root directory which contains the name of the version to launch. __________________________________________________________________________ TCP/IP PROBLEMS: If you experience problems installing or running PowerWeb, please load the tcpipos2.htm file contained in this directory into your browser and read its contents carefully. __________________________________________________________________________ FILE AND DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: \powerweb Main directory where PowerWeb was unzipped | |__file_id.diz Short description file |__install.cmd The Install program |__install.htm Installation instructions (use your browser to read it) |__readme.txt This file |__tcpipos2.htm TCP/IP setup instructions and Problem Diagnosis |__version Contains the name of the SYSTEM directory for this version | |__\bin\* Suggested location for your API Hook libraries | |__\cgi-bin\* Suggested location for your CGI Executables | |__\conf\* Location of configuration files | |__\cert\* Location of certificates and keys | |__\docs\* Suggested location of HTTP document root | |__\ftp\* Suggested location of FTP document root | |__\pub\* Publicly accessible FTP directory for downloads | |__\incoming\* Publicly accessible FTP directory for uploads | |__\art\* Suggested location for your icons and artwork | |__\digits\* Suggested location for your digit GIFs used for Page Access Counters | |__\mail\* Suggested location for POP3 Mail directory root | |__\perl-bin\* Suggested location for your Perl scripts | |__\queue | | | |__\mail\* Suggested location for SMTP Mail Queue | |__\rexx-bin\* Suggested location for your Rexx scripts | |__\sys4xx Version 4.xx distribution files (often called the SYSTEM directory) | | | |__\admin\* Administration and Configuration Utilities | | |__\dbaccess\* Web DBAccess Wizards and Browsers | | |__\help\* Technical Documentation and Configuration Help files | | |__\secure\* SSL and Certification Authority Utilities | | |__\upgrade\* Upgrade Notes | | |__\wizards\* HTML Wizards for creating new HTML Documents | | | |__\bin\* Executables and Runtime Libraries | | | |__\cgi-bin\* Example CGI Executables | | | |__\icons\* Icons used by PowerWeb Server | | |__\bullets\* Bullets suitable for HTML Lists | | |__\buttons\* Buttons used on PowerWeb HTML pages | | |__\clips\* Artwork clips used on PowerWeb HTML pages | | |__\digits\* Sample digit GIFs used for Page Access Counters | | |__\logos\* Logos used on PowerWeb HTML pages | | |__\textures\* Textures suitable for HTML page backgrounds | | | |__\include\* API Extensions header files (for compiling) | | | |__\install\* Installation HTML pages | | | |__\lib\* API Extensions library files (for linking) | | | |__\perl-bin\* Example PERL scripts | | | |__\rexx-bin\* Example REXX scripts | | | |__\powerweb\* General Documentation on PowerWeb | | | |__\tour\* Guided Tour HTML pages and images | |__\database\* Database files used by the Guided Tour | |__\source\* Source code for sample API Extensions | |__\usr Suggested parent directory for all user home directories. __________________________________________________________________________ BACKUP NOTES: The entire PowerWeb configuration is kept in the sub-directory "conf" underneath the server root directory. The entire "system" directory can be obtained from the original os2www.zip file. Please examine the file and directory structure above for details on other directories you may wish to add to your backup schedule, such as your log files. __________________________________________________________________________ COPYRIGHT AND CONTACT DETAILS: Copyright (c) CompuSource All rights reserved. Address: SMTP: source@iaccess.za The Power Team HTTP: www.compusource.co.za Building 6, Room 201, FTP: ftp.compusource.co.za CompuSource (Pty) Ltd PO Box 510 Time Zone: GMT+2 hours Constantia 7848 South Africa Tel: +27-21-759197 Fax: +27-21-728005 __________________________________________________________________________